We are a French FLL Team from St Germain (Paris area).
We achieved twice France Champions, in 2018 and 2021.
You will find below some information about FLL and about our team.
People all the time mistaken us for brother and sister. We are not.
We do not even have the same mother tongue.
But this is the best compliment we can get, we work so well together,
that everyone thinks we are siblings.
What is FLL ?
On the surface, FLL is a robotics competition for 9-16 years old from all over the world.
But using robots is only a means to learn much more, both about science and how people can benefit from "competing hard against problems while treating all people with respect and kindness."
FLL stands for "First Lego League".
Our 2022 results: (so far) Regional Champions, Paris area
We won the Paris area Regional Event and are selected for the French Finals 2022 April 2nd.
Our 2021 results: (partial season, no International Competitions) France Champions/Champions de France 2021
We are a second time France Champions.
Unfortunately, no International Events possible this year (COVID canceled), too late for Global Innovation Awards Paris Area Innovation Projet Award
Our 2020 results: (partial season) Paris Area Champions with Robot Performance Award
We were eligible for the French Finals and hoping to attend an International Event, especially in Nagoya, Japan, but COVID canceled everything after the Regionals. Selection for Global Innovation Award
France was attending the Global Innovation Award for the first time in 2020, and our Team was one of the only two to be selected to represent France.
Our 2019 results: Project Award and Fourth National place at French Finals
We were eligible for an International Event but could not attend. Project Award at Paris Area Regionals
Our 2018 results: 36th in Robot Game at World Championships - Detroit USA France Champions / Champion de France 2018 First place and Robot Performance Award in Paris area Regionals.
Our 2017 results: 2nd Place and Robot Design Award in Paris area Regionals, 7th place in France, Judges' Award in Bath, UK International Competition
Hydrodynamics (2017-2018 season)
We won first place and Robot Performance in Meudon on Saturday February 3rd 2018.
Our next Round will take place in Bordeaux Saturday March 17th for the French Finals.
We are 12 years old in season 2017-2018. This is our second year.
Our Research Project For Hydrodynamics
A big part of FLL is the Research Project. In 2017-2018 we have to: Identify a problem with the collection, transport, use or disposal of water (Human Water Cycle) Propose a solution to make things better
The Problem we identified is micro-plastics pollution. They mainly come from shedding fibers when washing fleece.
Our Solution is to filter out these micro-plastics before they reach the water-treatment plants (too small to be caught). UPDATE:In Februray 2020, the French Ministre de l'Environnement, Brune Poirson, summoned all Washing Machine Makers operating in France and announced a deadline
of filtering all micro-plastics by 2025. This echoes the Law proposal we presented at the French Sénat to a Senator back in January 2018. Yes, FLL does change the world.
Animal Allies (2016-2017 season)
Every season has a new theme.
We were 11 years old in season 2016-2017. This was our ROOKIE YEAR.
Our Research Project For Animal Allies
A big part of FLL is the Research Project. In 2016-2017 we had to: Identify a problem when people an animals interact. Propose a solution to make things better
The problem we identified : mosquitoes. They spread deadly diseases to millions each year.
Our solution: raise dragonflies in class and at home to help mosquito control, and to repopulate endangered species of Dragonflies as well.
Our Robot For Animal Allies
We had to choose among 15 missions which ones we would complete, then design, build and program an autonomous robot to complete them in 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
The robot can have to four motors and four sensors (touch, color...) to "feel" where it is and interact with objects.
Our favorite mission was to hang the robot itself !
BATH IOC June 2017
Judges' Award for our team
Never hoped we would be go to an International Event on our rookie year.
And even less that we would receive a Judges' Award.
On the Robot Game itself, we scored 40th out of 90 teams.
Photos from Replay Season
France Champions Again !
Photos from City Shaper Season
(Only the Regionals happened in France in 2020, all other events were canceled)
Photos from Into Orbit Season
French Nationals : we won Project Award and were overall 4th Team in France. We were eligible for an International Event, but the dates were difficult.
We therefore preferred to give our spot to Rookie Team 'Robo-Lyon Kids' who won 3rd place Project in Lebanon.
Our Pit for Into Orbit French Regionals. We are wearing copies of ICGs as a tribute to the Apollo Space Program and because of our Research Project.
Photos from Hydrodynamics Season
Champions de France FLL 2018 - Bordeaux
Our robot for Hydrodynamics
Training Match
Korean Team
Thanks to the Air Force for visiting our Pit
We were unofficial "Lucky Charm" of FRC Blue Alliance Team 469 who twice won against the odds while we cheered along the Team.
Photos from Animal Allies Season
Remise des prix Territoria 2017 au Sénat - Territoria d'Or pour la ville de MEUDON
Prise de vue Photothèque TERRITORIA
Our two robots for Animal Allies.
Dropping the bee on top of the beehive in Meudon - our very first Robot Match
With the CyberHounds Team from USA at Bath International Championship
Receiving a Judges' Award at Bath IOC, which is for us an incredible achievement on our rookie year.
With Try-Sky Team from Japan
Videos from Animal Allies
Training Video from Animal Allies
Our first Robot Game Match at Bath International Competition. Team on other side is the ROC Team, whom we thank once again.